Sunday, July 20, 2008

District ONE is a Distinguished District!

Got this email last night:

Subject: Toastmasters International Names 49 Distinguished Districts for the 2007-2008 year
From: View Contact Details View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2008 21:12:34 -0700

This message has been sent to 2007-2008, and 2008-2009 district governors, lt. governors education and training, lt. governors marketing and the Toastmasters International Board of Directors. Your name appears in the bcc field to protect your privacy.

Greetings District Leaders,

Toastmasters International proudly names 49 Distinguished Districts for the 2007-2008 program year. Congratulations to all of our districts for your achievements in excellence and exemplifying the mission, vision and values of Toastmasters International. Through your dedication and commitment of service to our organization more people are experiencing, and benefiting from, the Toastmasters program. The 2007-2008 program year marks our second highest year in district achievements and our distinguished districts represent 62% of all districts. That is truly an amazing accomplishment. Surely you have taken President Ford's theme to heart. You have all made a contribution to shaping yourselves, in turn shaping the world around you and our districts and organization are all better for it.

I hope you will take the needed time to celebrate your achievements and recognize those that contributed to your districts success and to your own success as leaders. Whether you were named a distinguished district or not, every single one of you should be celebrating your accomplishments. Remember, that together our collective contribution as districts all over the world is what makes us truly successful. Again, congratulations. It has been my honor serving each of you.

To access the final District Performance Report:

Toastmasters: Shaping Ourselves . . Shaping Our World!

Stephanie Demiris
Manager, Volunteer Support Services
Toastmasters International
P (949) 858-8255, ext. 280
F (949) 858-1207

Friday, July 18, 2008

Rant - Club Member Contact Information

I once tried to contact a Toastmaster by email. It turns out that she had not used that email address for some time. "Where did you get that email address? I haven't used it in three years."

Of course, the email address had come from Toastmasters International, as it was the email address of record that is on file at World Headquarters.

Club Officers can login to the Club Business page and "View/Update my club’s membership roster".

Ideally, the Club Officers would do this and correct any and all addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses that have changed "three years ago".

The password to the login page is known by the Club President who receives it with the April and October Dues Renewals package. (Toastmasters International does this to encourage the Clubs to pay their dues on-line with a credit card.)

If your Club President is missing in action or otherwise unavailable, any of the Club Officers of Record are able to get the password. Of course, to be a Club Officer of Record means that the Club needs to have reported their newly elected Club Officers every June (and December if they elect Club Officers semi-annually).

To report your new Club Officers, login into the Club Business page of the Toastmasters International web site.

This will make it easier on everybody.

Especially useful is when we mail gift certificates to the Club Presidents. We had a number of Clubs earning $100 in gift certificates because they sent all seven of their Club Officers to the June 14 TLC.

Unfortunately, two of the Club Presidents have not yet responded to an email verification of their mailing addresses - possibly because their email addresses hasn't been used in three years.

Area Contest Date Selection - Your Club will have its Club Contest to select its representative at the Area Contest. The Club Contest should happen in

This fall the speech contests will be the Humorous Speech Contest and the Evaluation Contest.

Your Area Governor will be contacting your club for contestants and assistants at the Area Contest in September. Your Area Governor will also be providing details about the specifics of these two contests.

Your Club Speech Contest in which you will select your Club's representatives will typically occur in August.

Importance of Club Officer Training - Clubs with trained Club Officers tend to be more successful than not

Please have your Club Officers trained!

The months of June, July, and August are for training Club Officers. See the District ONE calendar for Make-Up Club Officer Training.

Trained Club Officers will tend to know and understand what they need to do to fulfill the Mission of the Club. In fulfilling the Mission of the Club, the Club Members are served in that they have the opportunity to learn their communication and leadership skills. Because their educational needs are met, the Club Members are more likely to remain members of the club. By remaining in the club and doing their educational assignments the members will earn their education achievements. Because of their success, they are more likely to tell their friends, relatives, and co-workers about what they are doing in their Toastmasters club. Visitors who come will become members.

Untrained club officers tend not to understand what they need to do - sometimes their only training is word-of-mouth training by another untrained club officer.

Notice that educational achievements and membership growth is a direct result of how successful the club is in fulfilling the Mission of the Club and that eight of the ten goals of the Distinguished Club Program are educational achievements and membership growth.

Trained Club Officers tend to have the more successful clubs, as is evidenced by the increased educational achievements and membership growth.

Please have your Club Officers trained!

Club Officer Installations - Ask your Area Governor to install your new Club Officers.

July is the month that many clubs will ask the Area Governor to come and install their newly elected club officers.

Properly done, the officer installation will make the officers feel like that they are doing something special by serving as a club officer in service to the club and club members. This is in contrast to the idea that "they couldn't find anybody else to be a club officer and I got stuck with doing it".

The installing officer will typically acknowledge the previous term's club officers, thanking them for a job well done, and discharging them from office. The installing officer will then go through each of the seven club offices, giving a summary of the duties and responsibilities of each officer. The officer being installed is then asked if he/she is willing to perform the duties and responsibilities of the office to the best of their ability. Invariably the newly installed officer says "Yes". This is done for the Sergeant-at-Arms, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice-President of Public Relations, Vice-President of Membership, Vice-President of Education, and President.

The installing officer sometimes will then present the newly installed officers to the club membership, and will ask the club membership to pledge that they will support the club officers.

The newly installed club President will sometimes give an inaugural speech, stating what goals that he/she has for the coming term.

Sometimes the outgoing President gives a farewell speech somewhere in the program.

All of this results in a "special" ceremony where the club officers and club members are made to to see that serving as a club officer is a "special" thing of service to the club and to the club members.

Club Assessment Tool - Identify the areas that your Club can make better.

As the Lt. Governor of Marketing, Sandy Dunning implemented the Club Assessment Tool, or the CAT tool.

The purpose of this tool is to allow the Club Members/Officers to assess how well their Club is doing in terms of how they compare to "successful" clubs. This tool had come as the result of a focus group that sat down and thought of all of the things that "successful" clubs do.

In some ways the CAT tool is similar to the Moments of Truth that is part of the Successful Club Series.

The CAT tool can be done by an individual in under 10 minutes or less. The Moments of Truth is done with the club as a group in an hour to an hour and a half or more.

By looking at the results of the CAT tool, you can identify specific areas that your club can work on to make it a more "successful" club. Check it out!

Another Iteration of District Governor's Message

You may have seen the original version of the July 2008 District Governor's message.

THEN after the PRO and her staff worked it over it looked like this.

After the typo was corrected and another thing of information was added, we have the following version below - can you see the differences?

It's Been ONE Great Year!

Fellow District ONE Toastmasters: Pat yourselves on the back! You've exceeded all expectations this year!

Here are just a few of your impressive accomplishments for 2007-2008:

* District ONE is a Distinguished District, having surpassed its District goals in 2007-2008.
* District ONE Toastmasters earned more educational and leadership awards than ever before.
* 51 District ONE clubs reached Distinguished status or better (not counting year-end stats, which will bring the total even higher).
* Record numbers of District ONE club officers participated in the Toastmasters Learning College (close to 300 officers trained).
* Over 200 people attended the 2008 District ONE Spring Conference.

Our theme for 2008-2009 is "Toastmasters - Serve ONE, Serve All."

When you set new goals for yourself and your clubs, you contribute to the success of the entire District.

So, what's up next for you?

* Set a date to attain your next educational/leadership award.
* Mentor a new Toastmaster.
* Inquire about opportunities for involvement outside your individual club.

Whatever your goals in the coming year, District ONE officers are here to support you. I'm honored to be your District Governor for 2008-2009 and look forward to serving you.

Michael Jue, DTM
District ONE Governor

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Relationship between the Distinguished Club Program and your Club - why the Distinguished Club Program

It is my contention that if a Club fulfills the Mission of the Club the members will more likely complete their educational achievements, and stay in the club to continue their progress. They might even tell their friends, relatives, and co-workers about the great program that their Toastmasters club provides to them. Visitors who come to visit the club will join the club.

Notice that eight of the ten Distinguished Club Program goals have to do with educational achievements and membership growth.

How successfully a club achieves the Mission of the Club is measured by the Distinguished Club Program.

The better the members are served, the more likely the club is to become a Distinguished Club.

Division and Area Council Meetings - have food and drink so that people will attend the meeting

The purpose of the Area Council Meeting is for the Presidents and Vice-Presidents of Education (and other club members) of the clubs in the Area to get together to meet. The Area Governor might present "educational" type programs for the edification of the clubs - ideally, these educational programs would aid the club officers in attendance to better serve their club members. The Area Governor could also enroll people for the Area Speech Contest.

It always helps attendance if pizza and soda, or other refreshment, are served - people seem to like food and drink and are more likely to attend.

Likewise, the Division Council would involve the Area Governors meeting with the Division Governor. They would meet for "educational" sessions that would educate the Area Governors in better assisting the clubs so that they can serve their members even better. There might even be planning and strategizing on how the clubs in the various Areas might better serve their members and thus become Distinguished.

As the Clubs become Distinguished, the Area becomes Distinguished. As the Areas become Distinguished, the Division becomes Distinguished.

Of course, as the Divisions become Distinguished, the District becomes Distinguished.

It all comes from serving the needs of the Toastmaster Club Members.

Club Visits (Toastmasters International asks that each Toastmasters Club in the world is visited twice a year)

It seems that Toastmasters International (TI) only requires that the District visit each club (in the form of the Area Governor) twice a year and to report on its visit to Toastmasters International. We believe that TI wants to know that the club actually exists and is meeting as a club.

This is the minimum that TI asks us to do with the club. Just as there are "minimum clubs", this is the minimum that the District needs to do for the club. No requirements for assisting the club in fulfilling its Mission, or to assure that its members' needs are being met.

OF COURSE, District ONE does more than the minimum for its clubs and their Toastmaster members. We will do everything that is needed so that our Toastmasters have the opportunity to develop their communication and leadership skills, which in turn, fosters self-confidence and personal growth.

This past 2007 - 2008 has seen a tremendous increase in participation by our Toastmasters in District ONE. We had increased attendance at the last Toastmaster Learning Conference (TLC), with approximately 300 in attendance. Our past two District Conferences had attendance in excess of 200.

In other words, District ONE Toastmasters is NOT a minimum District in regards to how it serves its clubs and club members.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

After some review by PRO Tina Tomiyama, and one of her staff, Linda Levy, my July 2008 District Governor's message got a face-lift. If you look at the District ONE web site, you will see the following revised District Governor's message:

It’s Been ONE Great Year!

Fellow District One Toastmasters: Pat yourselves on the back!
You’ve exceeded all expectations this year!

Here are just a few of your impressive accomplishments for 2007-2008:

• District One Toastmasters earned more educational and leadership awards than ever before

• 51 District One clubs reached Distinguished status or better (not counting year-end stats, which will bring the total even higher)

• Record numbers of District One club officers participated in the Toastmasters Learning College (close to 300 officers trained)

• Over 200 people attended the 2008 District One Spring Conference

Our theme for 2007-2008 is “Toastmasters – Serve ONE – Serve All.” When you set new goals for yourself and your clubs, you contribute to the success of the entire District.

So, what’s up next for you?

• Set a date to attain your next educational/leadership award

• Mentor a new Toastmaster

• Inquire about opportunities for involvement outside your individual club

Whatever your goals in the coming year, District One officers are here to support you. I’m honored to be your District Governor for 2008-2009 and look forward to serving you.

Michael Jue, DTM
District ONE Governor

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

July 2008 District Governor Message

This is what is shown on the District ONE Web site as the July 2008 District Governor's message. This was done with the assistance of District ONE Secretary, Donna Oja.

District Governor Message – July 2008

Thank you for being a Toastmaster member in District ONE, and for electing me as your 2008 – 2009 District Governor! I am humbled by the opportunity to serve you. District ONE’s theme this year is … “Toastmasters – Serve ONE, Serve All.”

This past year, there has been an increased number of educational and leadership awards earned by members in District ONE. As a result, there has also been an increase in the number of Distinguished (or better) Clubs. On the Toastmasters International website, 51 Clubs have reached distinguished club status or better. I anticipate that this number will increase once all the data has been tabulated and the year-end results are published.

In addition, there has also been an increase in the number of members attending the District-sponsored Club Officer training. For the past year and half, we have seen records number of people attending the Toastmasters Learning College (TLC) with attendance almost topping 300. The June 26 TLC at Los Angeles Southwest College was not the exception. Despite the fact that the training was held in June versus July, it did not in any way impact the number of people attending the TLC. It is wonderful to see that Clubs understand and appreciate the value in having their Club officers trained. Attendance at our District Conferences is also on the rise with over 200 people attending the 2008 Spring District Conference.

During this new term, each member is encouraged to work toward earning his/her next educational and leadership award, become involved in activities outside of the Club, mentor a new member and, to set new goals. With the support and commitment of each of you, District ONE is sure to experience continued success.

Thank you!

Michael Jue, DTM
District Governor
District ONE Toastmasters
"Toastmasters - Serve ONE, Serve All"

Monday, July 07, 2008

Minimum Club Requirements - Your Club is required to do very little

Don't let your Club be a "minimum" Club!

Toastmasters International has some very simple
Minimum Requirements for a Toastmasters Club.

By my reading the Club is only required to meet twelve times a year, have members who are working towards their Competent or Advanced Communicator Award, meet face-to-face (no video teleconferencing allowed), give oral manual speeches, give oral evaluations, and pay dues for a minimum of six members.

In other words, the "minimum" Club is not required to do many things that we associate with successful clubs - a "minimum" Club is NOT REQUIRED TO:

1) have their Club Officers trained

2) achieve ANY educational designation, or even achieve any of the Distinguished Club Program goals

3) send contestants to Area Contests

4) participate in any manner outside of their Club

5) do ANY of the many things that we associate with a "successful" Toastmasters Club

In return, Toastmasters International asks that the District visit the Club (in the form of an Area Governor) and submit a "Area Visit Report of club visit" two times a year. In this manner, Toastmasters International is assured that the Club exists and is visitable.

(The message that I tried to send to the Area and Division Governors during their training is that they CANNOT TELL the Clubs that they NEED TO DO ANYTHING - they can only suggest and recommend what and how the Club MIGHT do some things differently. To do otherwise, the District runs the risks of annoying the Club and its Members - we do not want to do this.)

Do NOT let your Club be a "minimum" Club - instead, look at the Mission of the Club and SERVE your Club Members by creating the mutually supportive
positive learning environment within which your Club Members can reach their educational goals!


See below what I had downloaded from Toastmasters International regarding the "minimum" club:

Section VI C 2
Toastmasters International
Origin Date: August 16, 1977
Last Updated: October 1, 2003
Audited: February 23, 2007

The purpose of a Toastmasters club is to provide a positive environment in which members can participate in the Toastmasters educational program. Active participation is a necessity if members are to learn and if clubs are to fulfill their purpose. All clubs must meet the following minimum requirements for a Toastmasters club:

* meet at least 12 times per year
* regular meetings shall be conducted in person/face-to-face
* have members working toward Competent Communicator and/or Advanced Communicator awards
* have members give oral manual speeches
* have members give and receive oral evaluations
* give members the opportunity to develop and practice leadership skills and earn Competent Leader and Advanced Leader awards

Toastmasters International encourages all clubs to maintain a membership level of at least 20 members. However, in order to keep its charter in good standing, a Toastmasters club must maintain a minimum level of six members, at least three of whom were members of the club during the last renewal period.

Training and building people who will carry on our good work after our term ends and the new term begins

It is my personal experience that what we do in Toastmasters is more easily done and is done more successfully if we are trained in what we do, especially by our successor.

By training and building up people to be our successors in our various roles, we ensure that the good work that we had started will continue after our term is over.

For example, I had trained the current Lieutenant Governor of Education and Training, Sandy Dunning, in her previous role of Lieutenant Governor of Marketing.

I was the then current Lieutenant Governor of Marketing in March 2007 when I started Sandy's training, taking her along with my visits to prospective clubs, demonstration meetings, and so forth. She took to the role with great enthusiasm, and decided to run for the office of Lt. Governor of Marketing, being elected at the District Conference on May 12, 2007.

She had great success as Lt. Governor of Marketing for 2007 - 2008, having introduced several new programs to build and maintain Club Membership, and worked tirelessly in bringing in new clubs. Sandy and her team were instrumental in District ONE becoming Distinguished - enabling District ONE to reach its membership and club goals.

Sandy trained her successor, Ron Edwards, who we expect to be as successful, if not more successful, as Lt. Governor of Marketing.

The take-away lesson: Create your leacy - train and build up the people who succeed you and your good work will continue. As each new group of successors are trained and built up your good work will go on indefinitely.

Homework for the Area and Division Governors

This is what I sent out to the Area and Division Governors prior to their training on June 28, 2008.

The purpose was for them to 1) find assistants to aid them in their good work this term; 2) find at least one advisor-mentor; and 3) select one or two items (from the list of 50 Habits of Successful People) to work on with their assistants and advisor-mentor(s).

The purpose of this exercise is for everyone to learn from their experience as a Governor this term, just as I am learning from this experience as District Governor.


(Homework for the Area and Division Governors)
Subject: Area and Division Governors - Action Requested

Hi -

Thank you for your willingness to serve the Toastmasters of District ONE!

This is a three-item request that I would like you to address:

The first is to find Assistants, if you have not already done so.

The second is to find at least one Advisor-Mentor, if you have not already done so.

As the District Governor, I have enrolled a team to assist me, and I have a number of Past District Governors and other Toastmasters in District ONE who are advising and mentoring me in my upcoming role.

Finally, find attached an excerpt from the "Fifty Habits of Highly Successful People" (there is a link to the original article in the attachment). As you are already high successful people, I would like you to look at the list and find the one or two items that you may want to work on this term - do this with the help of your assistant(s) and advisor-mentor. In this way you can become more highly successful.

Thanks again!

Michael Jue, DTM
Lt. Governor of Education & Training
District ONE Toastmasters
"Toastmasters - Opportunities for Growth"
District Governor-Elect

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Leaving the District better than we found it

The idea of "Leaving the District better than we found it" is simply that we MUST NOT damage the organization in any way or negatively affect any Club or Club Members, but to leave it better at the end of the year than we found it.

To me, this means that as District Officers, we would at the very least leave the Clubs and their Club Members with a positive experience of their District Officers. A positive experience in that we did not annoy or otherwise anger the various Club Members.

Ideally, the positive experience of their District Officers would include our assistance in helping the Clubs serve their Club Members in the fulfillment of the Mission of the Club.

In this manner we would effect a positive influence on the Club culture - the Club understands and fulfills the Mission of the Club, Club Officers are being trained twice a year, the Club Members are following the Toastmasters education program and are completing their educational manuals, members remain members because they derive value from their membership, guests and visitions become Club Members, there is participation in Area, Division, and District events, and Club Members are seeking opportunities for growth outside of their Clubs.

The very last thing that we want to is to have the Clubs withdraw from participation in Area, Division, and District participation because of any words or actions by any District Officer.

We will leave the District better than we found it.


Toastmaster Esoterica - It's Not the Numbers, It's the Members

Here's what I told the Area and Division Governors about Toastmasters Esoterica: Few Club Members know these things, some Club Officers know these things, IDEALLY ALL District Officers would know these things.

The Toastmasters Organization Service Chart is upside-down - the Club Members are at the top instead of the President or CEO.

I talked about how being "Distinguished" is merely a reflection of how well the Club Members are served by their Club Officers and the District Officers - the District Officers include the Area Governors and their staffs, the Division Governors and their staffs, as well as the other District Officers. See the Toastmasters Organization Service Chart.

Through the fulfillment of the Mission of the Club is the Club Member served by the Club and the District.

It is my contention that a Club Member is more like to keep A Toastmaster's Promise if the Mission of the Club is fulfilled.

When the Club Member is given the opportunity through the fulfillment of the Mission of the Club to develop his or her communication and leadership skills this fosters self-confidence and personal growth. When the Club Members sees that the Toastmasters educational program works, he or she is very much likely to share this with friends, family, and co-workers.

In this way educational manuals are completed, and membership is maintained because Club Members see that the program works, and new Club Members join because he Club Members share the achievement of their communication and leadership skills.

In this manner, by successfully serving the Club Members the Club becomes Distinguished. As the Area assists its Clubs in serving their members, the Area becomes Distinguished. As the Division assists its Areas in assisting their Clubs in serving their members, the Division becomes Distinguished. The Distict, in its support of the Divisions, Areas, and Clubs in serving the Club Members, becomes Distinguished when the Club Members are successfully served.

Check out the Toastmaster Esoterica for the complete story.
