Monday, February 01, 2010

When I Sleep I Don't Move

I notice that I wake up in the same position that I had when I laid down to sleep - flat on my back at night, flat on my back when napping during the day.

This means that I don't move around when I am sleep probably because it HURTS to move, so I DON'T move.

Talked to "Dr. Sam" regarding my Coumadin. I will be working with him to maintain a specific level of Coumadin for the desired anticoagulant effects. Regular blood test tests are needed as well as an awareness of anything and everything that could affect the Coumadin activity.

The Mobile Phlebotomy Service will be coming to our house to take blood from me tomorrow morning.

Wikipedia says that it was a pesticide (sounds better than "Rat Poison", doesn't it?) that was discovered to have it usefulness when " incident in 1951, where a US Army inductee unsuccessfully attempted suicide with warfarin and recovered fully, studies began in the use of warfarin as a therapeutic anticoagulant..."

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