Tuesday, December 27, 2011

F-35 a troubling example of Pentagon spending - The Washington Post

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) took the Senate floor on Dec. 15 and described the F-35 fighter program as "a mess."


Monday, December 26, 2011

Article: Defense industry protests heat up

Northrop Grumman knows about winning proposals and having winning proposals overturned. After Boeing won the KC-X contract, Northrop EADS won it the second time around, and after  a protest Boeing won the contract the third time around.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Fw: F-35 Take off (Read First) WATCH THIS---UNBELIEVABLE

This was forwarded to me by Greg Lee.

F-35 vertical take off with "software malfunction".


Subject: F-35 Take off (Read First) WATCH THIS---UNBELIEVABLE

Having taken off from a Carrier myself, this is something that I would prefer to not try.

 Here is another craft that Northrop Grumman has a contract to build. In fact they build the center section of it. GREAT flying to say the least!!!
Read the text before watching the video ..................................
F-35 unintentional loop at takeoff on a carrier...........This guy clearly has brass and you know the sailors on the flight deck had a cow when they saw this unfold in front of them. Intentional? Hardly!
This is unbelievable! F-35 unintentional loop at takeoff a real "check your laundry" event. A supremely well-trained US Navy pilot, ice running in his veins instead of blood, fully regains control of his $70 million, F-35 joint strike force fighter, after a problematic vertical take-off attempt. Watch as the rear vertical thruster fires to cause the problem.  
There's nothing about this the pilot enjoys. If he could have ejected at 100' upside down and lived, he would have. Looks like the afterburner kicks in while still vectored for vertical takeoff. Lockheed would call this a "software malfunction" and do a little more "regressive testing."
This is a good demonstration of power-to-weight ratio of this aircraft! And talk about stability control... Wow!  If he didn't come out of the loop wings-level, it probably would have been bad news; maybe taking some of the carrier with him!    
Add to this flying through your own exhaust, which can lead to equipment malfunctions, as in "flame out". The F-35 is single engine aircraft with vertical takeoff/landing capability, but it has the aerodynamics of a Steinway piano at zero airspeed. This is the most unbelievable piece of flying you will ever see in your life.  
This guy's coolness saved a 70 million-dollar aircraft! On the other hand, he might not have had time to react to anything except just ride it. 
I bet you'll watch it at least 2 times! 

Friday, December 23, 2011

Fw: Top Air Forces in the World

 This was forwarded to me by Greg Lee. mjj

This is a pretty cool presentation I think you'd enjoy.
Greg Lee


Great music too
Great photos. Presentation made by an Israeli group and I suspect some of the rankings will surprise you. It did me. I was especially surprised that China did not even make the top ten.
