Tuesday, December 27, 2011

F-35 a troubling example of Pentagon spending - The Washington Post

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) took the Senate floor on Dec. 15 and described the F-35 fighter program as "a mess."


Monday, December 26, 2011

Article: Defense industry protests heat up

Northrop Grumman knows about winning proposals and having winning proposals overturned. After Boeing won the KC-X contract, Northrop EADS won it the second time around, and after  a protest Boeing won the contract the third time around.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Fw: F-35 Take off (Read First) WATCH THIS---UNBELIEVABLE

This was forwarded to me by Greg Lee.

F-35 vertical take off with "software malfunction".


Subject: F-35 Take off (Read First) WATCH THIS---UNBELIEVABLE

Having taken off from a Carrier myself, this is something that I would prefer to not try.

 Here is another craft that Northrop Grumman has a contract to build. In fact they build the center section of it. GREAT flying to say the least!!!
Read the text before watching the video ..................................
F-35 unintentional loop at takeoff on a carrier...........This guy clearly has brass and you know the sailors on the flight deck had a cow when they saw this unfold in front of them. Intentional? Hardly!
This is unbelievable! F-35 unintentional loop at takeoff a real "check your laundry" event. A supremely well-trained US Navy pilot, ice running in his veins instead of blood, fully regains control of his $70 million, F-35 joint strike force fighter, after a problematic vertical take-off attempt. Watch as the rear vertical thruster fires to cause the problem.  
There's nothing about this the pilot enjoys. If he could have ejected at 100' upside down and lived, he would have. Looks like the afterburner kicks in while still vectored for vertical takeoff. Lockheed would call this a "software malfunction" and do a little more "regressive testing."
This is a good demonstration of power-to-weight ratio of this aircraft! And talk about stability control... Wow!  If he didn't come out of the loop wings-level, it probably would have been bad news; maybe taking some of the carrier with him!    
Add to this flying through your own exhaust, which can lead to equipment malfunctions, as in "flame out". The F-35 is single engine aircraft with vertical takeoff/landing capability, but it has the aerodynamics of a Steinway piano at zero airspeed. This is the most unbelievable piece of flying you will ever see in your life.  
This guy's coolness saved a 70 million-dollar aircraft! On the other hand, he might not have had time to react to anything except just ride it. 
I bet you'll watch it at least 2 times! 

Friday, December 23, 2011

Fw: Top Air Forces in the World

 This was forwarded to me by Greg Lee. mjj

This is a pretty cool presentation I think you'd enjoy.
Greg Lee


Great music too
Great photos. Presentation made by an Israeli group and I suspect some of the rankings will surprise you. It did me. I was especially surprised that China did not even make the top ten.


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Article: Northrop Grumman Ranks as a Top Military Friendly Employer by G.I. Jobs

Northrop, now Northrop Grumman, has always hired former military folks

I noticed that fighter pilots were favored for management positions because they "looked good and sounded good" although they did not always have the best technical skills.

On the other hand, former non-combat officers in the support branches of the Air Force (e.g. logistics, maintenance, etc.) were passed over for management positions although they had the experience of managing hundreds of personnel and millions of dollars of budget while in the Air Force. Not being a combat pilot disqualifies these people. A big waste.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Navy's Blue Angels could have their wings clipped in defence budget cuts

The Northrop Grumman F/A-18 is used in the Navy Blue Angel air show. It is one of the recognizable Northrop Grumman products that the public can see.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2065457/The-Navys-Blue-Angels-wings-clipped-defence-budget-cuts.html#ixzz1ecV9cVIN

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Article: Northrop to fix costly B-2A structural problem

This is good. The Air Force has finally decided to pay for a structural re-design to fix a problem known for 22 years and is getting worse with time on the airframe.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Article: The Navy's Modified X-47B Unmanned Drone Makes China's 'Carrier-Killing' Missiles Obsolete

LOOKS LIKE Northrop Grumman is helping to eliminate the need for trained aircraft pilots.

The X-47B will defend the fleet by rendering 'carrier-killing' missiles harmless. Northrop Grumman has also gotten contracts to modify the long range Global Hawk to act as aerial refueling tankers. No tankers pilots needed.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Article: UPDATE 3-Northrop pulls out of Farnborough air show

Northrop Grumman is no longer participating in the annual international Showcase of military and commercial aircraft.

Does this mean that Northrop Grumman considers itself a major player in the aircraft business?


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Selfish and aggressive personalities are most likely to be promoted at work | Mail Online

Northrop Grumman managers are of a certain personality type.

Have you ever known a Northrop Grumman manager to be rude and aggressive?

There is an explanation - check out this:


Friday, October 07, 2011

Article: VIDEO: Super Hornet narrowly avoids carrier deck calamity

Here's an excellent question: "Question: With the arrival of the Northrop Grumman X-47B demonstrator on a carrier deck next year, do you think this scenario plays out any differently?"

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Article: Northrop Grumman opens new HQ in Virginia

The move to Virginia was announced April 2010. Now headquarters is officially moved - the governor showed up, along with Wes Bush to cut the ribbon. Not surprising that Wes Bush came, as this is his new work location.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Air Force putting F-22 Raptors back in service - latimes.com

I think this good - the USAF is bringing back the F-22 into service after pulling them out of service May 3 because of a dozen incidents of pilot oxygen being cut off.

Of course, because the pilots were not flying the F-22 during those four months they are not considered current on the aircraft and will have to re-qualify as F-22 pilots.

Problem is that it doesn't appear that they figured out why the oxygen cut out. This is not good for the pilot. Perhaps the USAF is anxious about getting some use out of the aircraft that cost $412 million apiece, as they have not yet flown in combat since entering service in 2005.

Take a look at:

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Article: 7 Large And Mid-Cap Stocks With Recent CEO Buys Of At Least $100,000

Wes Bush recently bought 5,000 shares of Northrop Grumman stock. 

This is taken as a good thing because the CEO is no bailing on his own company. 


Monday, August 29, 2011

Pentagon mulls ways to make major cuts - Washington Times

This is not good - to rely on the Pentagon to make mjor cuts.

Does the "idea of boys and their toys" ring a bell? How about the difference between "needs versus wants"?

See more at:

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Article: Northrop Gruman cuts 500 aerospace jobs

This is good for Northrop Grumman profits, bad for the affected employees. 

Employees, being the selfish folks that they are, would much prefer that "someone else (besides them)" be laid off rather than cutting "everyone" salaries to reduce costs. This is the cult of the individual prevailing over the common good.

See more at:

Friday, August 19, 2011

Russia’s new stealth fighter to challenge for supremacy of the skies [video] | SmartPlanet

Both China and Russia are developing stealthy fighter aircraft.

The F-22 is grounded until they figure out the oxygen system suspected.in the fatal crash of a F-22 last November.

Wonder if the Chinese and Russians are having similar problems? Only if they were able to steal the F-22 oxygen system documents.

See how well they are doing:

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Northrop Grumman is moving top execs from L.A. to Washington area - latimes.com

Nice article on Northrop Grumman headquarters leaving Los Angeles for Virginia.

Southern California is not going to be the same.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Despite $65 Billion Investment, World’s Most Costly Jet Still Grounded - ProPublica

Of course, this means more time and more money from the U.S. taxpayer. The F-22 was killed a pilot - NOT by an accident - but a suspected oxygen system problem. The pilot needs to have good oxygen with nothing added - carbon monoxide, et cetera.

See more at

Friday, August 12, 2011

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Entire U.S. stealth aircraft fleet grounded over oxygen and power system faults

Test flights for both the F-22 and F-35 have been suspended. The F-22 has been grounded since May. Last week the F-35 was grounded of a problem with a valve in the integrated power system - the third time this year. Fortunately, nobody died in a F-35 yet.

The oxygen problem of F-22 is suspected in the fatal crash of a F-22 in November.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2024300/Entire-U-S-stealth-aircraft-fleet-grounded-oxygen-power-faults.html#ixzz1UgMdGGOQ

Did the U.S. kill Bin Laden because a Pakistani officer came forward to collect $25million reward?

MONEY and U.S. citizenship are great incentives. Pakistani ISI guy sold Bin Laden out for $25Million and citizenship for his family.

He claims that the Saudis were paying the Pakistanis to stash Bin Laden - GREAT FRIENDS, the Saudis.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2024193/Is-Osama-Bin-Laden-dead-Pakistani-officer-came-forward-collect-25m-reward.html#ixzz1UcK2AaKD

Saturday, August 06, 2011

FY2011 deficit tops $1 trillion, with two months to go - Washington Times

The government's idea of debt reduction is merely reducing the rate of increase of the deficit.


U.S. eats up most of debt limit in one day - Washington Times

LOOKS LIKE the government wants to spend more money than it should - NO PROBLEM for the government, as the taxpayers are paying for ALL of it.


Thursday, August 04, 2011

Pentagon says projected spending cuts could undermine security - latimes.com

Without the security provided by a strong and ready military, what good is printing all that money to bail out banks and other companies "too big to fail"?


Tuesday, August 02, 2011

The Real Losers - The debt-ceiling deal: Winners and losers - The Washington Post

The REAL losers are the American people.

This so-called balanced budget merely reduces the rate of increase of the deficit - there is NO increase in taxes or revenues with no significant decrease in entitlement spending. The elderly poor (no political clout) will suffer the brunt of the cuts.

The expression "kick the can down the road" refers to the delaying of having to deal with the deficit. Let the future generations figure it out.

The United States is likely to lose it's AAA credit rating because of the way it DID NOT handle the budget and debt ceiling issues.

This is NOT going to help the U.S. out of the new recession - see:

The winners are still the fat cats and big financial institution and the losers are the little people - see:

Check out this article!

The Tea Party is portrayed as a bunch of terrorists because it insists on a balanced budget where the United States does not spend more than it takes in - by its not supporting a deficit ceiling increase and unbalanced budget they were going to "blow up" the economy.

Vice-President Biden has set up the Tea Party for a fall by naming it as "terrorists" for all kinds of penalties under the Patriot Act dealing with "terrorists". This is very clever of the government in using its laws to punish its political enemies. This is the type of thing we see in Russia, China, the Middle East, some South America dictatorships and other less enlightened countries.

Is this a good thing - the United States government dealing harshly with the opposition party?


Friday, July 22, 2011

Report: China building electromagnetic pulse weapons for use against U.S. carriers - Washington TimesThe medical research also appeared useful for China's military in making sure that EMP weapons used against Taiwan and “any vulnerable U.S. [aircraft carrier] would not push the U.S. across the nuclear-response threshold,” the report said.

This can't be good - the Chinese are working on limited EMP weapons for use on U.S. aircraft carriers defending Taiwan with the idea that such a weapon not cause the U.S. to respond with nuclear weapons. 

Northrop Grumman aircraft systems have electronics likely to be affected by EMP weapon effects - not good for the pilot flying the F/A-18 or F-35. This is in addition to not having the systems on the aircraft carrier working - BIG problem for all concerned.

The China wants to take back the renegade province of Taiwan by force if not for fear of the United Startes stepping in to defend Taiwan's sovereignty.

The once SECRET report indicates that

***...The medical research also appeared useful for China's military in making sure that EMP weapons used against Taiwan and "any vulnerable U.S. [aircraft carrier] would not push the U.S. across the nuclear-response threshold," the report said....***

See more at:

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Liberals see opportunity for big cuts in defense - Washington Times

This cannot be anything but BAD news for Northrop Grumman. The Liberals want to HUGE cuts in defense spending. 

Supposedly they are addressing the budget deficit by cutting back on one of the six things in the preamble of the constitution, i.e. "...in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity..." See Article I, Section 8 for the particulars. Notice that there's nothing in regards to bailing out large banks and car companies that are "too big to fail". 

The Liberals want to cut back on the constitutionally required capability of the government while maintaining entitlements for others.

This is bad news for Northrop Grumman because it is primarily a defense contractor - Northrop Grumman builds weapon systems for the government to kill people and break things.

See more at:

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Article: Northrop Claim to Save $600 Million in Shipyard Sale Is Questioned by U.S. 2 hours ago

It seems that Northrop Grumman is not golden regarding it's claim of how much money they are saving and how much it should be reimbursed for spinning off it's shipyard operations 

Seems that there a problem with the government's audit and it makes Northrop Grumman look like cooked the books just to get a few dollars ($300 million) from the government. 

Northrop Claim to Save $600 Million in Shipyard Sale Is Questioned by U.S. 2 hours ago - Bloomberg

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Saturday, July 02, 2011

Top 8 Lies That Bosses Tell | BNET

How many of thee have YOU heard at Northrop Grumman?

NOT saying that managers LIE, however, a Northrop Grumman Human Resources guy told me, "he may have misstated the facts based on overly optimistic projections."

Human Resources do work for the COMPANY (NOT the employes) and are tasked with maintaining non-violence against management and employee productivity.

See -

Michael J. Jue (mjue@yahoo.com)
Phone: (323) 207-6583
FAX: (888) 306-8454
Snail Mail: P.O.Box 584, Glendale, CA 91209

"To rely on rustics and not prepare is the greatest of crimes; to be prepared beforehand for any contingency is the greatest of virtues."

- Sun Tzu

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Article: L.A. to D.C.: $280 a mile at Northrop Grumman...

Northrop Grumman is in the news - this describes the GENEROSITY of the company is in relocating it's big executives from Century City to the new headquarters in Virginia. 

CFO James F. Palmer, for example, is getting $750 000 cash for relocation costs - roughly &280 for each mile of the 2,677 mile move. 

Northrop Grumman is being VERY GOOD to it's employees that it does NOT lay off!

See the article:

Friday, June 24, 2011

Top-secret clearance checks falsified - Washington Times

There are several projects at Northrop Grumman that require that the employee has a Top Secret security clearance.

According to this article the government has been outsourcing the background investigation to people.

Problem: some of these folks will falsely state that an interview has been conducted when no such interview had occurred so as to fraudulently take money from the government for no work done!



Monday, June 20, 2011

Article: PARIS: Global Hawk takes Washington beating

The Northrop Grumman Global Hawk is in the news again - despite the headline ("takes Washington beating"), as long as the Global Hawk doesn't go TOO MUCH over cost the government will support the Global Hawk program. 

Northrop Grumman has already promised that will it improve the reliability and effectiveness of the Global Hawk. The Department of Defense has already determined that the current Global Hawk is over-cost, unreliable, and ineffective. 

Good job, Northrop Grumman!

See the article:

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Article: Remote Control Killing of Fun and Profit

Northrop Grumman gets a nice mention in this article on remote killing in a video game format by people in air-conditioned comfort far removed from the actual carnage. 


BIG WIN: Pentagon certifies Northrop's Global Hawk program

BIG WIN for Northrop Grumman Global Hawk program - it was certified by the Department of Defense DESPITE being over-cost, not reliable enough, nor effective in it's mission. 


Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Article: Pentagon Says_Northrop's Global Hawk Drone Isn't Effective

This is not good.

Northrop Grumman is no longer the little aircraft company that delivered products on schedule and under cost that performed as as well or better than promised.

The Global Hawk is over cost, delayed in schedule, and exhibits less than good performance and reliability.

Here's a quote from this article:

"'...I remember when unmanned aerial vehicles like this were pitched as being cheaper and more effective than manned platforms. Now the DoD appears to be saying that this is not the case in either situation, which I'd say is a real disappointment for Northrop,' Stallard said. This is their major UAV platform, after all."

Read the article yourself:

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Marriage culture key to economy, study says - Washington Times


If this idea is true, then this country will not do well economically - I saw the story on there being more unmarried people than married people, a new and growing trend.



Advisers urge military to rely less on drones, more on expertise - Washington Times

The problem with relying on human agents for intel is they LIE, sometimes unintentionally EXAGGERATE what they see and hear, or just say what they think you want to hear.

The drone, on the other hand, has no such problems in reporting what is apparently there as detected by it's sensors.

ALSO, Northrop Grumman does not manufacture human agents - it builds unmanned air vehicles.



Saturday, May 28, 2011

Blue Angels commander steps down after subpar performance - CNN.com


The Blue Angels commander took full responsibility for a subpar performance instead of blaming it on the equipment. (Northrop Grumman builds a major portion of the F/A-18 aircraft used by the Blue Angels. )

The article is here:


Monday, May 23, 2011

Bombers: Pentagon official visits aerospace execs to discuss bomber planes - latimes.com

Northrop Grumman still wants to build long range stealthy bombers.

Now Boeing and Lockheed also want to build long range stealthy bombers.

Seems that the US Air Force thinks it's time for an upgrade.

The US Air Force now has fifty year old B-52's, thirty year old B-1s, and 20 B-2s -  and want a newer set of bombers.

This is a potential $55 billion contract.

See the article in the L.A. Times:

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Article: Northrop Grumman to Cut Jobs on Defense Spending Slowdown

Good news for the stockholders, not so good news for the affected employees. 

By reducing employees, Northrop Grumman lessens potential losses due to paying out more than it takes in because of the slowdown in define spending. Instead of paying its employees a slightly lower salary Northrop Grumman prefers laying people off. See the Four Percent Solution that I previously suggested where a 4% reduction in costs is achieved with a 4% pay cut instead of a 4% (500 people) lay-off. 

Friday, May 06, 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

JSF Costs the UK Navy - "Soaring cost of our new carriers doubles to 10billion after equipment bungle" | Mail Online

The Brits are one of the nations that is buying the JSF being built by Lockheed and Northrop Grumman.

In order to accommodate the JSF fighter, an aircraft carrier originally designed for the Harrier jump jet had to be modified with catapults and traps, doubling the original estimated cost.

See the ink:

I am sure that with clever and tricky analysis, Northrop Grumman and Lockheed can show that in the "long run" the UK navy will save money, and not spend more money than they would have if they had gone with the Harrier jump jets instead of the JSF.

Monday, April 25, 2011

We Don't Need No Badasses

Recently I put up a blog post consisting of nothing more than the words "EPIC badass" and a link to some newspaper in Nepal about an incident of epic badassery in India:

A Gurkha soldier, who fought 40 train robbers, to be felicitated in the Republic Day of India

Both Nepal and India are considered "third world" by many Americans, so their standards of what's "good and right" are different than Americans, right?

In America, we are told by the police not to fight criminals, but to be good witnesses by observing and reporting.

All this gurkha did was to standup single-handed against 40 train robbers when they started to strip a girl of her clothing to rape her. Her mom and dad asked for help (evidently they did not want their daughter raped), and this gurkha soldier fought the train robbers, killing three and injuring eight.

ON THE OTHER HAND, we recently had an incident in America (Maryland) at a McDonalds.

A transgender woman was stomped and beaten for several minutes until she went into convulsions.

See Video Shows Woman Being Beaten At Baltimore Co. McDonald’s.

Evidently what's "good and right" in America is to videotape somebody getting stomped and beaten, and then posting the video on your Facebook account where it can then go viral.

Doesn't matter that the videographer was an employee of McDonalds; he was laughing hysterically while doing the video, and even warned the attackers that the police was being called after people saw the victim go into convulsions. He was observing and reporting.

The only thing remotely resembling a badass was the older woman who tried to stop the attack and got punched in the face for her trouble.

McDonalds is doing major damage-control and P.R., as their employees just did the American thing, to "observe and report". The McDonalds employee observed and reported by posting the video on his Facebook account.

We don't need no badassery in America.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Video: Supersonic F/A-18C Hornet bursts into flame on aircraft carrier flight deck | ZDNet

Great video!

EXCELLENT example of why the US Navy prefers a twin engine aircraft - if one engine breaks, the pilot still has the second engine with which to fly back to home base.

"Home base" is usually an aircraft carrier, and the alternative, the waters of the ocean, is a BAD place to land.

An engine breaks and catches fire. The pilot brings theF/A-18C back to the carrier where the deck crew very promptly handles the fire.

Check this out:


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Northrop Grumman's Naval Death Star

Good news for Northrop Grumman stockholders!

See the Motley Fool's take on Northrop Grumman's Star Wars weapon developed for the US Navy -

Friday, March 25, 2011

Pentagon stops work on F-35's 2nd engine - Washington Times

Obama finally gets his way and got funding for the GE/Rolls Royce alternate engine stopped. Congress made him take funding ("pork") when funding for the F-22 got stopped.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lower and Middle Level Managers Do the Dirty Work

See this story on the Mail Online web page: First pictures emerge of the Fukushima Fifty as steam starts pouring from all four reactors at the stricken nuclear power plant.

The Fukushima Fifty - an anonymous band of lower and mid-level managers - have battled around the clock to cool overheating reactors and spent fuel rods since the disaster on March 11."

LOOKS LIKE that the peon-workers were told to go home while the middle and lower level managers stayed behind to prevent the power plant from going into full meltdown.

IN OTHER WORDS, the managers are doing the hard, dirty work - obviously they didn't trust the peons to do the work at first.

AT Northrop Grumman, would management do this this?

Or would management tell the employees to get the job done, no matter how hard, no matter what has to be done?

LOOKS LIKE the Japanese managers at this power plant will not ask their employees to do what they themselves would not do - the fifty lower and middle level managers were later joined by 150 others who ALL KNEW that it was a dangerous thing to do. They worked in shifts to reduce exposure to the radiation.

Five are already believed to have died and fifteen more injured - they all know that this work can kill them.

Would Northrop Grumman managers set an example like this?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

CNN - Zappos CEO on why happiness at work matters

Hey, check this out from CNN:
Zappos CEO on why happiness at work matters http://www.cnn.com/2011/BUSINESS/03/23/zappos.tony.hsieh.happiness/index.html?iphoneemail

This is totally RADICAL and FOREIGN concept (Mr. Hsieh is a YOUNG FOREIGN-looking dude) that would NEVER fly at Northrop-Grumman

Management would never allow the employees to be happy - that is not the Notlrthrop-Grumman way.

Fear and intimidation is how employees are kept in line. Much easier than trying to keep a bunch of ungrateful, low-productivity, incompetent, and undisciplined employees "happy".

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Article: Northrop to enhance classified networks

Northrop-Grumman must be telling people stories about its classified network capabilities. It apparently improved it's security practices since I left. Enough said. 

Saturday, March 05, 2011

It's one thing to win, entirely different thing to make money

I'm reading about 'Boeing's next tanker challenge: Meeting deadlines, making money' on Fluent News. Here is the link: http://fluentnews.com/s/26530841

Back when Northrop-Grumman was just plain Northrop, it had a big sub-contract building a big part of the Boeing 747.

The good news: Northrop negotiated a renewal of it's contract with Boeing, landing some mucky-mucky a nice bonus.

The bad news: Northrop wasn't going to make any money under the terms of the contract.

End result: Northrop sold off the commercial side of the business building 747 fuselage and only build military aircraft.

Now Boeing has won the KC-X contract, it needs to figure out how to make money and meet schedule under the terms of the contract.

As my wife tells me, "All women put on a act to get a husband".

Some men are too easily fooled, she tells me.

The government seems easily fooled.

Friday, March 04, 2011

The Pentagon spends big $$$ while cutting back on other programd

See the Los Angeles Times story on a Black Project under this headline:

"Space plane: Space plane and its secret payload set for launch will have plenty of prying eyes - latimes.com"


Sent from my iPhone

Lay-offs in India - BBC News - India manager 'killed by workers'

Given that there has been lay-offs at Northrop Grumman, people are taking it relatively peacefully, especially when compared to Indian workers (them folks in INDIA).

When those guys get "sacked" (British for lay-off) they go out and do things to the managers.

Here's a story about how Indian workers expressed their displeasure after being sacked: "...a group of irate workers surrounded the vehicle, doused it with petrol and set it on fire..."
India manager 'killed by workers'

Of course, the security guards at the company gates who witnessed this did NOT come to the manager's aid.

Obviously they were doing their jobs in protecting the company property, as the property was not attacked - just the manager.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Boeing wins contract for refueling tanker

"In an announcement that took industry experts by surprise", Boeing wins the KC-X contract to build tankers basedd on its 767 passenger jet.

Wes Bush was correct in his assessment that bidding on th KC-X was a no-win.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Report says human error led to state computer outage

Northrop Grumman is in the news again. 

The state of Virginia is going to sue N-G for the state-wide computer outage and loss of data that resulted from failure to follow two industry best practices. Failure of equipment owned and operated by N-G contributed to the problem. 

The state of Virginia expected more for  the $2.5 billion thirteen year contract it has with Northrop Grumman. 

What do they want? Stuff that works all of the time? It not like life-or-death, as in building aircraft. 

GOOD NEWS: US Air Force truncates Northrop unmanned plane

Northrop Grumman Global Hawk Block 4 buy is being reduced from 22 to 11.

This is GOOD NEWS! Looks like a 50% cut.

Recall that the B-2 Stealth bomber was reduced from 132 to 21. This was an 84% cut.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Rise of the machines

Nice article about the X-47B in the Mail Online - the Brits seem to think unmanned, automated killing people and breaking things without human intervention is a good thing.

Rise of the machines: Un-manned X-47B robot stealth bomber tested by US Navy | Mail Online

Friday, February 04, 2011

Chinese company wants to sell aircraft to U.S. military

I'm reading about 'China Maneuvers for U.S. Defense Contracts - FoxNews.com' on Fluent News.

Here is the link: http://fluentnews.com/s/26437695

"They say the two companies have also been discussing putting forward AVIC's new L-15 trainer jet as a candidate to replace the U.S. Air Force's fleet of Northrop T-38s, which entered service 50 years ago and on which American fighter pilots learn skills such as how to fly at supersonic speeds."

The Chinese can build stuff cheaper.

Sent from my iPhone

F/A-18 fighter jet and Northrop Grumman: Aging fighter jet gets new lease on life - latimes.com

See the story about how the delays of the F-35 program is prolonging the life of the F/A-18 program.


Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

DoesThis Remind You of a Nortrhrop Grummn Product?

Somebody once said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

If so, Northrop Grumman should be flattered by the Chinese stealth fighter.

China 'leaks' sneak peek of latest stealth aircraft going for a test run | Mail Online