Monday, August 29, 2011

Pentagon mulls ways to make major cuts - Washington Times

This is not good - to rely on the Pentagon to make mjor cuts.

Does the "idea of boys and their toys" ring a bell? How about the difference between "needs versus wants"?

See more at:

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Article: Northrop Gruman cuts 500 aerospace jobs

This is good for Northrop Grumman profits, bad for the affected employees. 

Employees, being the selfish folks that they are, would much prefer that "someone else (besides them)" be laid off rather than cutting "everyone" salaries to reduce costs. This is the cult of the individual prevailing over the common good.

See more at:

Friday, August 19, 2011

Russia’s new stealth fighter to challenge for supremacy of the skies [video] | SmartPlanet

Both China and Russia are developing stealthy fighter aircraft.

The F-22 is grounded until they figure out the oxygen system the fatal crash of a F-22 last November.

Wonder if the Chinese and Russians are having similar problems? Only if they were able to steal the F-22 oxygen system documents.

See how well they are doing:

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Northrop Grumman is moving top execs from L.A. to Washington area -

Nice article on Northrop Grumman headquarters leaving Los Angeles for Virginia.

Southern California is not going to be the same.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Despite $65 Billion Investment, World’s Most Costly Jet Still Grounded - ProPublica

Of course, this means more time and more money from the U.S. taxpayer. The F-22 was killed a pilot - NOT by an accident - but a suspected oxygen system problem. The pilot needs to have good oxygen with nothing added - carbon monoxide, et cetera.

See more at

Friday, August 12, 2011

Postal Service urges Congress to allow layoffs, cut benefits - Aug. 11, 2011

Act of Congress is needed to reduce another constitutionally defined role of the federal government..

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Entire U.S. stealth aircraft fleet grounded over oxygen and power system faults

Test flights for both the F-22 and F-35 have been suspended. The F-22 has been grounded since May. Last week the F-35 was grounded of a problem with a valve in the integrated power system - the third time this year. Fortunately, nobody died in a F-35 yet.

The oxygen problem of F-22 is suspected in the fatal crash of a F-22 in November.

Read more:

Did the U.S. kill Bin Laden because a Pakistani officer came forward to collect $25million reward?

MONEY and U.S. citizenship are great incentives. Pakistani ISI guy sold Bin Laden out for $25Million and citizenship for his family.

He claims that the Saudis were paying the Pakistanis to stash Bin Laden - GREAT FRIENDS, the Saudis.

Read more:

Saturday, August 06, 2011

FY2011 deficit tops $1 trillion, with two months to go - Washington Times

The government's idea of debt reduction is merely reducing the rate of increase of the deficit.

U.S. eats up most of debt limit in one day - Washington Times

LOOKS LIKE the government wants to spend more money than it should - NO PROBLEM for the government, as the taxpayers are paying for ALL of it.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Pentagon says projected spending cuts could undermine security -

Without the security provided by a strong and ready military, what good is printing all that money to bail out banks and other companies "too big to fail"?


Tuesday, August 02, 2011

The Real Losers - The debt-ceiling deal: Winners and losers - The Washington Post

The REAL losers are the American people.

This so-called balanced budget merely reduces the rate of increase of the deficit - there is NO increase in taxes or revenues with no significant decrease in entitlement spending. The elderly poor (no political clout) will suffer the brunt of the cuts.

The expression "kick the can down the road" refers to the delaying of having to deal with the deficit. Let the future generations figure it out.

The United States is likely to lose it's AAA credit rating because of the way it DID NOT handle the budget and debt ceiling issues.

This is NOT going to help the U.S. out of the new recession - see:

The winners are still the fat cats and big financial institution and the losers are the little people - see:

Check out this article!

The Tea Party is portrayed as a bunch of terrorists because it insists on a balanced budget where the United States does not spend more than it takes in - by its not supporting a deficit ceiling increase and unbalanced budget they were going to "blow up" the economy.

Vice-President Biden has set up the Tea Party for a fall by naming it as "terrorists" for all kinds of penalties under the Patriot Act dealing with "terrorists". This is very clever of the government in using its laws to punish its political enemies. This is the type of thing we see in Russia, China, the Middle East, some South America dictatorships and other less enlightened countries.

Is this a good thing - the United States government dealing harshly with the opposition party?
