How many of THESE questions has your manager EVER asked YOU?
At Northrop Grumman, many of the managers are sent to some kind of manager "charm school" to make them more "manager-like".
Unfortunately, being trained to be a good manager is NOT good training to be a good leader.
Take a look at these questions and think about how often your manager has asked you ANY of them.
(I am willing to bet that you won't be able to answer with more than ten, five, three, . . .)
1.”What can I do to make you more effective?”
2. What’s keeping you from falling asleep at night?
3. What one thing should I do more? (or one thing I should do less?)
4. What roadblocks are holding you back? (or preventing your projects from moving ahead?)
5. What’s the most important issue you are dealing with right now?
6. What do our competitors do better than us?
7. If you were in my job, what’s the first thing you would you do?
8. What do we do better than anyone else?
9. How can I improve your team’s productivity?
10. What are the two key behaviors of our leadership team?
11. What one thing can we do to make our weekly meeting more effective?
12. What are your top three goals for next month?
13. What’s waking you up at 3:00 in the morning?
14. When you think about our goals, what are we forgetting?
15. If I could do just one thing for you as a result of this discussion, what would it be?
Of course, Northrop Grumman managers are not paid or budgeted time to work with their employees in such a manner as asking employees a bunch of silly questions that would make the employees be more effective (as opposed to efficient) and that might make employees feel that the company values the employees as human being instead of faceless cogs in a some kind of machine.
Disclaimer: SORRY - This is only what I know from my point of view. No lies, just what I see as the truth.
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