Recently I wrote about the war-fighters and peace-time pilots at Northrop Grumman.
What I noticed was that these guys have a certain antipathy towards Jane Fonda.
What P*SSES these guys off are these photos from 1972 taken of Jane Fonda during her visit to North Vietnam. These guys know what it is to be shot at, they know guys who were shot down and killed, who were shot down and spent time in POW camp. They don't like the idea of Jane Fonda being friendly to those who would do pilots harm.
There has been much written about Jane Fonda on the internet - see what snopes.com has to say about Jane Fonda. Snopes.com actually investigated who said what.
In 1999, when Barbara Walters honored Jane Fonda as one of the '100 Women of the Century,' there was a big fuss.
Friends and relatives of POWs who had spent time as guests of the North Vietnamese thought that Jane Fonda was unworthy of such an honor, and that people should be reminded, because in their words, "This is for all the kids born in the 70's who do not remember, and didn't have to bear the burden that our fathers, mothers and older brothers and sisters had to bear."
They started up that email that is still being circulated today with the subject line "Never Forgive a Traitor". Read what people had to say.
The POW Network has a lot to say about Jane Fonda, not much of which is flattering.
Disclaimer: SORRY - This is only what I know from my point of view. No lies, just what I see as the truth.
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