Monday, January 16, 2012

Panties in a Bunch

The British have got their panties in a bunch after learning that the F-35 Concurrency Quick Look Review dated November 29, 2011 includes reports that indicate the carrier version of the F-35 is unable to land on a carrier because of poor tail hook placement and that there is question of whether British air-to-air missiles can deployed.

Especially annoying to some Brits is that they sold off their Harrier Jump jets that could do much of what they needed to be replaced by F-35C that cannot land on carriers or fire air-to-air missiles. They originally did this as a cost-cutting measure to replace them with the very expensive F-35C.

If you want to look at the F-35 Concurrency Quick Look Review for you self see POGO 's Joint Strike Fighter Resource Page.

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