Friday, July 18, 2008

Importance of Club Officer Training - Clubs with trained Club Officers tend to be more successful than not

Please have your Club Officers trained!

The months of June, July, and August are for training Club Officers. See the District ONE calendar for Make-Up Club Officer Training.

Trained Club Officers will tend to know and understand what they need to do to fulfill the Mission of the Club. In fulfilling the Mission of the Club, the Club Members are served in that they have the opportunity to learn their communication and leadership skills. Because their educational needs are met, the Club Members are more likely to remain members of the club. By remaining in the club and doing their educational assignments the members will earn their education achievements. Because of their success, they are more likely to tell their friends, relatives, and co-workers about what they are doing in their Toastmasters club. Visitors who come will become members.

Untrained club officers tend not to understand what they need to do - sometimes their only training is word-of-mouth training by another untrained club officer.

Notice that educational achievements and membership growth is a direct result of how successful the club is in fulfilling the Mission of the Club and that eight of the ten goals of the Distinguished Club Program are educational achievements and membership growth.

Trained Club Officers tend to have the more successful clubs, as is evidenced by the increased educational achievements and membership growth.

Please have your Club Officers trained!

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