Monday, November 30, 2009

Nightmare for New Employees?

Recently I recounted my nightmare of working at Northrop Grumman and having no desk, chair or phone. It was just a bad dream.

However, it was not just a bad dream for three young men who were hired by the Systems Analysis group at Northrop Grumman a few years ago. They were young guys not long out of school: Justin Smith, Arthur Hutchinson, and Eric Gardenhire.

I am certain that Northrop Grumman management went through a process of some sort in hiring these three guys: certain decisions were decided, budget money budgeted, analysis work anticipated, staffing arrangements arranged etc. prior to their arrival.

What was really interesting then was that the day they came to our group (they all started on the same day) was that they had 1) no desk at which to sit; 2) no chair on which to sit; 3) no phone/phone number of their own to use; and 4) no computer to use.

They had my nightmare.

They had the honor and privilege of floating around, landing at any desk that happened to be vacant that day. Someone would be the recipient of their phone calls, as they did not have their own phone number to give out.

Jason Pfefferkorn and I made it a point to give to each one of them their own pad of paper and two sharpened no. 2 pencils. We did our best to make them feel welcomed.

By the way, not one of these three young men are at Northrop Grumman today.

Perhaps they went somewhere else without the nightmare?

Disclaimer: SORRY - This is only what I know from my point of view. No lies, just what I see as the truth.

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